April 4, 2024
Today’s Prayer: [Part 2] ‘To pray is the greatest thing we can do’. Being the greatest elevates prayer to the highest of highs…the greatest?…it IS the greatest thing that we can do! King David thought prayer was the greatest thing you could do. All you have to do is read the Psalms, they are filled with an outpouring of prayer. David wrote them out he didn’t just say them. He’s a poet and a communicator of wisdom and in his writing of The Psalms he communicates so very clearly that prayer was the highest priority of his life. He prayed in crisis, when he was being pursued by enemies. He prayed when he wanted to worship, praise and glorify God. He prayed when he was hungry for more of God working in his life. He prayed prayers of adoration. Time in prayer brings answers to life’s dilemmas, prayer calms the storms of life, time in prayer is transformative…we are changed just by virtue of spending time in God’s presence. Prayer pleases God more than anything else we do. He longs to hear from us and He inclines His ear towards us when we pray. Prayer is utterance. It is the utterance of our hearts as we are inspired in the moment to say and declare our thoughts towards God. [Psalms 100:4-5] “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations”. We think of things to say that are pleasing to God. What could possibly be greater than that of all the things we do. This is what motivates me to pray…it is why I wake up looking forward to time with God. My heart’s longing and passion is to be in God’s presence through prayer. Prayer changes you and sets things in motion to change the world. That is why PRAYER IS THE GREATEST THING YOU CAN DO!